Has Sinn Fein now become a victim of their own countless spin? On hindsight we need look no further than the Blair years and the Good Friday agreement and how they brought us to that point in the first place, lest we forget! To reach that momentous point in our embattled history the SF leadership on numerous occasions re-iterated upon the republican movement 'of not a bullet not an ounce' attitude would be the driving force on negotiating any agreement with the British government.
However, since then the republican movement (the very foundation upon which SF are built) has had to endure anything but! They have been forced to sit back and witness the steady dilution and possible erosion of their core fundamental ideas for which many of them devoted their lives and energies to strive for. The major repercussion is that serious issues and commitments being swept under the carpet by media manipulation and good old fashioned hood winking. Does this strategy of
‘eyes wide shut!’seem familiar? And hence, this apparent refusal to accept and deal with disgruntlement among the grass roots has all culminated in the inner vacuum, which has unfortunately manifested itself in the happenings over the last few days.
How can Martin McGuinness expect genuine republicans (not the band wagon ones who SF seem so keen to need to keep their votal dominance), to believe a man who in the one hand exacerbates about the hurt the soldiers caused on our streets yet on the other hand can find nothing to say about the fact that his Stormont government is HARBOURING & TRAINING foreign forces here, until they await deployment in Iraq & Afghanistan. This defies all logic and flies in the face of true republican beliefs. In an essence, we are aiding and abetting in the British imperialist attempts to occupy foreign lands. I personally find it despicable that all of our illustrious leaders and self-professed freedom fighters can only sit back and watch unabated at the suffering caused by conflicts in the Middle East! Have they now taken a vow of silence to appease their new bedfellows in Stormont?
Complacency and arrogance that accompanies the notion that
'the job is done boys!'has befallen the movement as it turns its attention to trying to become a voice in the Republic. But wait a moment; surely their whole '
raison d'etre'was to deliver 32 counties and emancipate their people! There current strategy, or lack of, seems to be shrouded in mystery to the point that is frankly farcical!
So alas, we find ourselves in our current predicament. Many may feel that my comments are lambasting the leadership of SF as having failed, but this not entirely so. Yes, in some respects without them we probably would not have got to where we are today. But there in lies the conundrum! Where exactly are we today? Are we any closer to a United Ireland, the Holy Grail for republicans? To get to the Good Friday agreement we were bombarded by ‘Road Maps’ and time deadlines. However, since then there has not been a single mention of complete and unequivocal removal of British forces from Ireland. Yet the British government has made their precise withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan a key focal point of their PR machine to their own people.
Over the last few days we have been witnessing a doomsday scenario from all forms of the media. All this is doing is fuelling the flames of resentment and hostility already being felt on the ground. Also, to right of the perpetrators as criminals and cowards is extremely counter productive. This aloof attitude is only acting as a recruitment mechanism and serves only to appease the masses in the short term. Like it or not their core fundamental belief system exists and is there main driving force. Fortunately for now, we are no where near the point of no return but it would be futile, arrogant and extremely fool hardy for anyone to under estimate these mini-eruptions of dis-contentment, especially for the ranks of SF. To prevent a further escalation of unrest and dis-quiet it is time for our leaders to show true leadership as indicative of their forefathers and predecessors. It is time to admit truthfully to their electorate that their original aims and objectives will not be fully achieved, and give a full and frank state of the nation like appraisal to their electorate of where the hopes and dreams of Irish Republicans actually lies.